I feel like blogging was a good project for me. It sounds pretty easy but trust me it had its challenges. Like blogging everyday for over 20 days straight is tough, especially when your hanging with friends all day and your like “Dang I have to go blog” and then you have to leave your friends. Also the things to blog about, I didn’t want my blog to have retarded posts like “I feel asleep then woke up 12 hours later”. I needed to make my blog interesting so people can actually read it and like it. For a person like me on a weekend I would never go work on a project everyday of the weekends. This helped me study wise and grade wise. Also managing a blog, changing the look of it was actually pretty fun. Changing the background colors and adding that picture of the dog winking at you helped the blog out too. Making my blog interesting was one of the hardest parts so I added 3 pages on my blog. First page was just my blog in general where you can see all of my posts. Second one was for my pictures that I edited on Aviary. I just didn’t want my blog to be boring so I played around on Aviary image editor and I edited 5 photos that I have to say were pretty good. My dragon photo was the coolest. Third, since I didn’t blog for two day I had the idea of making a chart of how many days I blogged and then at the end of the blogging experience add up the total days I blogged and get a percentage on how many days I blogged. I can’t really say I had allot of success on my blog, it wasn’t the popular blog but I had over a 100 people look on my blog and for me that’s really good. I feel like this blog barely help me emotionally, I didn’t reflect my life on this blog thankfully but I tried to blog about stuff I liked and after reading the posts I wrote I liked the thing a little bit more. I feel like people who have emotional troubles would think blogging would help them out, because people would have to hear what they would say. Also it helps people talk about the problems she has. I seen some blogs where people totally dump there whole life on a blog post and talk about problems so I’ll have to say blogging can help people emotionally troubled. Was blogging a waste of my Time? Yes and no, I’m 50/50. Yes: because there were times where I had to leave my friends and blog, the worst time was at 2 am where I remembered I needed to blog so I got up and left my friend matt just to do a 20 min blog post at 2 am. Also it’s one of those things that need to be on the top of your mind or you just forget about it. Also making the two pages where hard because I did 2 photos at home because I needed to fill up the Aviary page and making that graph took me forever because I would always either too many boxes or not enough boxes on my box graph. So it took some time out of my weekend but in the end it was worth. No: because it taught me responsibility of remembering to do a project. Even though there were times I wouldn’t want to blog I knew I needed to. It also helped me figure out how to manage my own blog so in the future if I make a website then I can use my blogging experience to make my website like making changes everyday to benefit the website. I’m not going to lie but there were times where I was at home and I would spend an hour on this blog. It’s kind of like a video game once you start playing it reels you back to play more. Once you mess around on a blog you want to mess around on the blog more and more. I spent a decent 4 hours on this blog when I was at home so I actually wanted it to be good. Also when I was bored I’m like “Hey I can edit my blog”. I know this sounds weird but I swear on my life I went on my blog a lot when I was home. Also blogging about stuff I like was enjoying too. So blogging was a good project for me, it had its hard times; it had its good times. But in the end I made a blog that I’m proud and that’s all what matters.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Waking up in the mourning with a nice hot cup of coffee with toast in the other hand is the way to start the sundays. Lucky for me our parents just remembered theres church so we were rushed all the way to church. Its like your haveing a party with only 10 people soon enough that 10 turns into 20. But for me church is really nice.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Cascade Christian
Today we play against Cascade Christian, last time we played them we won by 25. But we were at home now were going against them at there home witch will be tough. Last night we played Bush we won by like 40 we played everyone the whole game and we didnt have a problem at all. Tonight will be fun because after the game im going to Tate's house. Heck to the ya.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Today I presented my blog and it went pretty good, I think. They really like the dog picture in the very beginning, Mr. Jones seemed very interested in my project too witch was good. Hopefully i get a good grade.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Right now I'm babysitting, and its not going well these kids are super hyper there running all around everywhere and I tried to make them dinner but they told me to give them ice cream and when i didn't they ran to the fridge and grabbed the ice cream container and booked it. 10 minutes later I found an empty ice cream can and 2 little kids with ice cream mustaches I put them in a timeout and they finally obeyed me. So now i have to put a pizza in the oven and put up with these kids for another 2 hours. I barely have time to run off and do this blog post because i almost forgot to blog today. Thanks Caren for making me babysit these kids that I have never met.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
walrus.egg by josh234 on Aviary
K so instead of watching peter and Matt Payne talk to the teacher i decided to do a picture its not that good but still i need to post pictures so ya.
Long Period
Today is long periods and I'm not excited for them. My first class class web page where i only blog and look up random stuff on the internet. Then math where I'm taking part of my final today so its going to be tough. Then English, uuuuhhhhhh English were watching the boring-est movie in the world its some British movie. Finally math lab and math lab is never fun.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Finals Next Week
We have finals next week and I'm not excited for it what so ever. No one wants to do Finals anyways and there also like 2 hours of just plain out testing. Luckily i only have 2 finals too study for because bible is open book. English we just have to write a letter to the book creator so it's only science and math i have to study for. The moral of the story is that finals suck and we would rather sleep in.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Skull Candy
K so i broke my earphones and i needed new ones so i txted some friends asking what kind of ear phones i should get and like over 70% said to get Skull Candy's. So i got some they were about 15 bucks and that really cheep for a pair of ear phones. I really like them too the quality is good you can switch the beads so they fit your ear. There also really easy to fit in your ear witch i like alot. I think these ear phones are better than the apple ear phones, These ones actually fit in your ear unlike the apple ones where u have to fix them every 50 seconds.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
late night really late
k so i almost forgot to blog Ive been super busy with basketball and all that stuff. right now I'm at Matts house i need to blog so I'm blogging on how I'm up so late. ya I'm sutiped for leaving my friend and blogging about this but its for a good cause. We might pull an all nigher we don't know yet. The sucky thing is I'm going to wake up in the mourning and feel like crap sadly. :(
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hungry Hungry Hippos
hungry hungry hippos .egg by josh234 on Aviary
This is another photo i made it isn't that good. You can tell around the hippos there are white specks because i moved the hippos around. but i love the scare on his face and the sign in the top right that says Hungry Hungry Hippos. i feel like my first pic was twice as better.
Already for Summer
I miss summer. I miss waking up at a friends house at 11 or 12 in the afternoon. getting to sleep in as much as you can until you get bored of sleeping in. I never thought getting bored of sleeping in was impossible, but last summer proved me wrong. No homework for 2 months and not having to go to school once is priceless. I wish i can live my life in a endless summer where i can hangout with friends everyday and sleep in all i want. Where you can pull all the all nightiers you want. I miss summer.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow Day Maybe No
Today should have been a snow day like no joke. There was snow outside and I'm like wow really no snow day when it was pouring down in like 1 in the mourning. My mom woke me up at 7 saying there's school i get out of the shower and she's like my bad school starts at 10. I just took a shower and I'm finally awake and u tell me its at 10 so i go to bed and wake up and my dad is complaining on how this wasn't a snow day he's like this is retarded it should be a snow day. Why couldn't it have been a snow day
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
This is what I Spen My Whole Time In Class On
dragon.egg by josh234 on Aviary
Ya that's right i made this, don't ask how but isn't it cool i started with just a regular dragon and now kaboom. we Have a awesome photo that's a sick dragon, i changes the teeth, eyes body and background.
Class Web Page Design
I'm in Class Web Page Design and it's a pretty fun class for the most part of it. The teacher is pretty good and does a good job teaching. This class is really chill for the most part but when Mr. Jones and peter argue about random crap its really funny. Also Matt Paine is in our class and he comes late every single day and when Peter and Matt sit next to each other they talk so much. Today once again were working on our projects and Matt Paine isn't here and Peter is actually working so it looks like were going to get far on our projects, sadly.
Monday, January 10, 2011
This Picture is so cool
Dew Frog.egg by yotambonehbait on Aviary
K so i was looking through Aviary pictures and i saw this picture. I found this picture so cool because the frog looks like he's made of water. He's also chilling on the steam of a leaf, i don't know how this person did this but this is insane. Just the idea of making a frog into a frog that looks like water is pretty cool. this is a great photo and it will be one of my favorites.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Church, can be bad or good. If your really spiritual and your like yes i get to go to church today and worship god than its good. But if your a non christian and you like to sleep in on Sundays then its bad because your parents force you to get up and then your have to sit through a hour of church. Luckily for me i like church but i don't like waking up for it. Why does it have to be at 10 O clock in the mourning why cant it be at 1 so you get too sleep in and you get to go to church. that's just my opinion.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturdays, the first day of the weekend. You get too sleep in and wake up and say "no school". You can either hang out with friends or just relax throughout the whole day. You also get to stay up during the night and not have to go to bed early for school. Then when you are about to go to bed your like we have one more day of no school tomorrow.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Avairy music creator
Today i played with Aviary music creator, It was really simple yet really fun. It was simple because it was easy to make a beat with this program. I'm not a music guy but when i did this i found a good beat, not because i just pressed random spots to make the beat but i started off with some small beats then expanding them. Also its super easy to pick your instrument, there is a bar on the right hand side with all of the instruments there are us simple click on the instrument then drag it too the left to one of the instrument spots. I had a ton of fun with this program, it was super easy yet you don't have to be very musical. I'm putting my creation up on this post so you guys can here this, also I'm putting up the Aviary website.
my creation on Aviary
my creation on Aviary
Thursday, January 6, 2011
K QFC is the best thing on the planet. End of story, why. Well they live 5 minutes away from home and 2 minutes away from school. They have really good food there like no joke freshly made bread and freshly made soup everyday. They also have a huge section for drinks and snacks. It's not really that big but its freaking awesome.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Today is my first blog and I'm going to talk about puppies. So we know puppies are like the best animals on the planet at least i believe in that, why. Well when u look at puppies there just so cute and there just so cool. Ive always have wanted a puppies in my life, but i cant. My dad and my little bro are allergic to puppies. :( but when I'm older I'm defiantly going to by puppies. Another good thing about puppies when they get older they turn into dogs and dogs are super fun too. because there all grown up and they can run faster and jump farther so then you can have way more fun. If i have to chose puppies or a grown dog I'm going with the puppies, because after 2 years they will be become a dog.
my goals for my final assignment
Hi, I'm josh and this is my new blog. i have to start blogging everyday for a month, its a project I'm doing in class web pages. Ill be blogging about random stuff and sometimes ill actually be blogging about something funny or something sad that happen in my life. But mostly ill be blogging about things that are happy. Here are my goals for my blogging project.
1. To blog everyday until the quarter is over.
2. To post some of my pictures I made/going to make from Aviary
3. Get a A on this project.
4. At the end write a long paper about blogging and my experience and if blogging is worth your time.
Those are my goals for this project.
1. To blog everyday until the quarter is over.
2. To post some of my pictures I made/going to make from Aviary
3. Get a A on this project.
4. At the end write a long paper about blogging and my experience and if blogging is worth your time.
Those are my goals for this project.
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